Collaborative Projects
Links verified 10/5/10
- GeoGame - Students can select one or more of the current games. Then your students, with help from maps, atlases, and other reference materials, match the description of each location in the game with the name of the corresponding city.
- Global Virtual Classroom - The goal of this site is to integrate technology into classrooms and curricula and to link schools to the Internet in educationally productive ways.
- The International Boiling Point Project - Discover which factor in the experiment (room temperature, elevation, volume of water, or heating device) has the greatest influence on boiling point.
- Eduscapes - Literacy Projects: Collaborative and Interactive Online Projects
- The Noon Day Project - Students at various sites around the world will measure shadows cast by a meter stick and compare their results.
- Participate in a Telecollaboration - Introduction and information on knowing your computer resources and capabilities in preparing your classroom to participate in a collaborative project online.
- Develop your own collaborative project - An online training module consisting of a series of exercises which will assist you in the exploration of tools and resources for developing an educational telecollaborative project.

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